Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki

Article No.: H0008-C3-FR1
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On  MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Optical frame with helmet temples + street temples + Clip-On MOTOEYE H0008-C3 Khaki, Khaki
Article No.: H0008-C3-FR1
In stock 
Base material: Ultem
Lens material: TAC
Clip-On light transmission: CAT3 (9-18%)
Accessories: Helmet temples, Street temples, Glasses case, Microfiber bag, Clip-On holder
Sisak méret

A motoros sisakon feltüntetett méret jelzés. !FIGYELEM! A méretezés gyártónként eltérhet.


The full width of the frame. Adjust the slider to ±3mm from the exact measured value. You can find the measurement process under MOTOEYE/SIZE SELECTION in.

143 mm

The horizontal width of the lens at its widest point

55 mm

Width of nose rest

17 mm
Temple length

The entire length of the temple, including the connector

145 mm

A keret stílusára utaló információ.


The frame material

Lencse behelyezés

Szakmai információ optikusok részére


Clip-On- vagy napszemüveglencsére vonatkozó adat.
CAT0: 81-100%
CAT1: 44-80%
CAT2: 19-43%
CAT3: 9-18%
CAT4: 3-8%

CAT 3: 9-18%

Mit kapok a csomagban?

Szemüvegkeret, Cserélhető utcai szár, Cserélhető sisakos szár, Mágneses napszemüveg előtét (Clip-On), Szemüvegtok, Mikroszálas zsák, Clip-On tartó, Papírdoboz
Temple color
Lens color